Wednesday, 16 June 2010

Roger The Bike: In Memorandum

My bike was stolen outside the otherwise great Shakespeare pub on Allen Rd in Stoke Newington N16.  Luckily my friend Tom kindly let me borrow his stylish vintage racer, photo to come.

Meanwhile here's the Hollywood style gallery, imagine "memories" playing.

 December 2008

Tyre upgrade.

Handlebar upgrade.

Cup Du Monde

It's a bit late (see timestamp) on the other hand not all the teams have played ... semi final predictions are:

1. Argentina
2. Spain
3. Brazil
4. Netherlands 

England to fail dramatically in the quarters. Probably to Argentina and probably on penalties. It just wouldn't be us otherwise. Negative? As if what anyone says has any affect on the final outcome

Sorry I googled images under "England football success" and this photo was in the first page.